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I just finished reading this in-depth article by Ron Kovic, a Vietnam veteran activist. If you recall, Tom Cruise acted his story in the film, “Born on the Fourth of July”, one of Tom’s best acting jobs, I might add.  Ron’s article is graphic and heart wrenching in his description of what it’s like to be wounded and abandoned by the country that caused this loss, the story that no one hears about, and sorely needs to.

I think it’s time we all knew about the day to day suffering of those who were sent to war and how they’ve all been ignored when they return with whatever they’ve sacrificed. Unconscionable!

Please read and share with others.







I am not out of the woods yet. And, boy, do I wish I were!

I am realizing that healing takes its own time, not my time, which is “yesterday”.  And even though I intuitively got to look into a holistic regimen – herbs and a healthy diet – so that I might go off the cancer medication, I had no clue what that meant, even though I like to think I did. Read the rest of this entry »

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