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This must be the year for stark realistic portrayals in films.  First, we have “The Hurt Locker” about bomb removal units in Iraq. Then, we  have “Precious” a film that truthfully depicts the horrors of child physical and sexual abuse.

I, for one, am glad to see these kinds of films. Yes, they are hard to watch. We don’t want to see that humans can be so cruel, so twisted in the treatment of children. Not a minute too soon, the time has come for us to face what monsters lurk inside our homes, how we are destroying the very future of this nation by terrorizing our children.

Of course, we are not all abusers. However, when we don’t speak up when we see abuse occurring, we perpetuate the message that abuse is acceptable!


The following speaks  to the psychological impact of abuse rather than as a critique of the movie or the actors. Read the rest of this entry »

Harsh words can kill your soul! It killed mine!

The rhyme, “Sticks and stones may break my bones,but words will never hurt me” is a boldface lie!

It also discounts the impact of emotional abuse, minimizing its harmful effects on the victim.

My dear friend and cohort, Adele,  sent me this video link about emotional abuse perpetrated verbally.  It’s a poignant depiction of how words can destroy a victim, even if the latter is never beaten.

The scars are hidden, yet they exist!

Read the rest of this entry »

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